'Third Drawer Down'. What a brilliant name and after examining the site, what nice products! Artifart all the way. Several products of the very funny David Shrigley. His salt and pepper shakers 'Heroin & Cocain' are sublime! And his greeting cards make me laugh so much. His simple messages shows just how important ideas are in creation of just anything.
Third Drawer Down are collaborating with established and emerging artists and produce limited edition textiles, objects and stationary items.Other artists work reprecented by Third Draw Down are for ex.: Miranda July, Chicks on Speed, David Bromley, Jason Polan, Ed Ruscha, Duchamp, Koons and many more. They are situated in Melbourne, Australia and I guess anyone with their ways past would enjoy a stop by at their store at 93 George Street, Fitzroy Victoria(if you look up this street, there are so many art related institutions and shops that it seems to really be a place to visit!). All we others can visit their website and drool over the things we almost can afford.

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